Lately, my interest in reading becomes stronger especially with Christian literature...Aside from my PINK Bible.. i also love the books of Joshua Harris : I Kissed Dating Goodbye, Boy Meets Girl and Not Even A Hint - to name a few. I remember the days when i was still in high school, I Kissed Dating Goodbye was first introduced to me by our youth adviser Dockies (i miss you doc). It was the start of my LCM knowledge, though i've been in a relationship way before i became a christian, this book helped me to view relationship in God's standard. And through this book i found out that my relationship then was not bringing glory unto His name. And so... it didn't work... The Lord took it away...I was hurt...I can't understand His actions.. for me, It seems to be perfect, everything seems to be right.. but i was wrong. I've experienced heartaches, the Lord broke me into pieces and yes i was wounded. Only to find out that it all happened for a purpose, and for a greater purpose to be exact. It's all because He wants the best for me. Indeed, He is preparing something better for me.
The wound isn't easy to heal after all... it takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of strength to move on and to live my life again. But the good thing is despite of all these problems and trials, i have a BIG GOD with me who never leave me. He was with me during the darkest hours of my life. In the moment of weakness, i felt His strength. In the moment of heartaches, I felt His love.. His unfailing love for me.
Indeed, when the Lord takes away, He also gives something better and even the best. I prayed and my prayer has been answered. It took me years, 6 years to be exact... but even if we're not together now, i know the Lord is preparing us both for a greater future. The Lord is teaching us both to wait.. wait in His perfect time. It takes a lot of TRUST, PATIENCE and LOVE for this to work out. And i know it will cause the Lord has been the center of it all.
**those 2 books above were given by Ryan before he go aboard. i still can't imagine that he was able to read that (I kissed Dating Goodbye).i've been praying for a guy who will read that, and he did. :) yey! Thank You Lord :)
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