I never thought that having a 4-hour conversation in Starbucks would build the bridge of being connected to Him again. It was such an awesome talk, I feel that the Lord indeed moved. I felt His presence, He stirred up my heart and it was amazing.
I'm very glad to see how He is moving in other people's lives as well. He is indeed the God of transformation, He is the only one that can change lives and I'm 100% sure of that.
It started as a mere farewell meet-up. I never imagine how the Lord will use Aris to rebuke me. His Word is indeed a double -edged sword.
We met each other 6 years ago in UP - it was very memorable. It was our Evangelism week in SVCF and I was in a waiting shed near shopping center looking for someone whom I'll share the Word of God with, and then I met him. That time, I think he was thinking that I was kinda weird, making friends with strangers and yes if there would be a Guiness Record for this I might have won the "FASTEST WAY TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH STRANGERS" award.
We became friends, but not really close at first. I usually bumped into him in UP - just saying HIs and HELLOs. After 5 years, I was really surprised to see how the Lord has moved in his life. He's completely different now, a better man. A man who fears Him, a man who loves Him.
Indeed God has put him in so many tests that's why his testimonies are really alive, giving much impact to me especially now that I'm experiencing the same thing. He may never know this, but last night I was crying inside - mixed emotions actually but more of being so grateful that the Lord is moving. He doesn't want me to fall astray but instead live according to His will. It was such a great feeling.
I thank the Lord for his life. I know he reminded me tons of times but I never listen. Instead, I keep on doing the things which I think is 'good' but not the 'best' that the Lord has prepared for me.

This simple letter that I received from him made me cry again. It speaks a lot, the message is truly intended for me.
What's more inspiring to know that as brothers and sisters in Christ, the edification is there.
"I would be happier to see you grow in faith with God" - what an amazing encouragement from a brother.
***Thank you for everything Aris, may the Lord continue to bless you more and use you mightily as a blessing to others.
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