Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Run Karlene Run

  I recently joined a group of runners in Ayala Triangle. The group is called aNR (adiNation of Runners) who meet every Tuesday, from 7pm-9pm to run, do drills and train for upcoming running events/marathons. Thanks to my friends from the rowing community for referring this group to me. 

My first day was fun, though my thigh and legs hurt after two days, my runner friend said it's okay for beginners like me. If I get used to it, it'll definitely be gone. We did 2-full round run at Ayala Triangle for the warm up, then stretching (from head to foot), then 4 rounds again (each round is approximately 1.2K) of 3:1 (3 minutes run, 1 minute walk) with 2 water breaks. Since I'm a beginner, I'll be doing this for quite sometime. 

My second week was a progression. This time we did a 4:1 (4 minutes run, 1 minute walk) drills. I'm getting used to it I should say and I'm pretty excited to join the upcoming events we usually sponsor for Summit and 100 Plus. I'm excited to see how I'll be able to manage it. Hopefully, make a good time.

This is the start of my running journey. It's hard, it's not just the usual run/jog I see everyday. It takes a lot of discipline and determination to be able to achieve my goal (to be a runner). It's also a good way to stay fit and have the appetite to eat a lot (and eventually to gain weight). As to where my feet will lead me? I don't know yet. 

All I know is I'll keep on RUNNING. Run Karlene Run.

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